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Previous versions


  • Added IQueryModifier to EntityService.
  • Added Code task "Entity QueryModifier" to "Entity Framework" in the Designer.
  • Fixed bug in ApplicationShutdownService.


  • Refactored the Framework to use EntityService instead of UnitOfWork. UnitOfWork/repositories have been completely removed.
  • Added REST client and server to the Framework, allowing EntityServices to use REST APIs.


  • Bug in CG Admin module ("no outlookbar" causes build error).


  • FluentValidation: Incorrect message for 3 validations.


  • Improved startup wizard.
  • Changed color of the Framework's drawings (menu images). Colors are now also keys in the resource dictionary.
  • Quickfind does not display properly at startup.
  • Telerik: windows do not show min/max/close buttons.
  • IAD file is not saved. It is not marked as "dirty" the first time.
  • CG-Mapper causes build error for the method 'ForAllOtherMembers' for .net6+.


  • Bugfix: Incorrect code is CG in Entity.


  • 14813 Implement checkbox filter.


  • 14815 Implement IHost/HostApplicationBuilder in Framework.


  • 14782 Add Code - Comprehensive overview of all "codeTemplates".
  • 14808 New code item templates (user and appSettings).
  • 14807 Better headers/descriptions for code item templates.
  • 14810 Add support for SQL Application Roles.
  • 14809 Menu: refactor tooltip.


  • Use XAML images instead of PNGs internally in the framework. (All images can now be replaced via the resource dictionary).


  • 14806 Upgrade various NuGet packages (if using offline NuGet packages, they need to be updated).
  • 14805 Update samples.
  • 14803 Option to change icon on the filter button.
  • 14801 After upgrading to the new version, the option to use custom button icons disappeared for some ribbon buttons.


  • 14798 Adjust comments in item code templates.
  • 14797 WaterMark does not work in IAD caption designer.
  • 14796 Register custom controls instead of creating entirely new custom views.
  • 14795 Incorrect CG in factories: public partial class SagEntityFactory.cs.
  • 14794 TitleImage / Header Image - there should only be one property.
  • 14793 Image provider should be able to use XAML images.
  • 14792 Default Dialogsize on screens for each entity should be changeable.
  • 14791 Partial for UIProfiles.
  • 14790 Captions do not translate on lists.
  • 14789 Remove the use of GetCustomControl showdetail.
  • 14788 When creating a CustomEditView, the constructor does not get the same name as the class.
  • 14785 IAD: Toolbar should hide buttons/groups/tabs.
  • 14781 UI - UI designer (Preview) should be completed.
  • 14761 Release notes.
  • 14758 Options for Wizard (first time).
  • 14757 Selected Tab - functionality.
  • 14756 MenuModel should use an enum for Size.