Add user to roles

You can set the roles for the current user in code. This is done by selecting the "Code Task" SecurityBuilder and click "Add code"

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In the build methode, you just add the rolename, that the current user should be in.

  public partial class ApplicationSecurityBuilder
      public async override Task Build()
        //this adds the current user to admin role.

          await base.Build().ConfigureAwait(false);

And now you can inject the IApplicationSecurity wherever you need it and check the operation (returns a boolean). For example, in the Entity Security for Products, you might use it like this (CanEditProducts is an operation defined in the designer):

    public partial class ProductsSecurity
        private readonly IApplicationSecurity _applicationSecurity;

        public ProductsSecurity(IApplicationSecurity applicationSecurity)
            _applicationSecurity = applicationSecurity;

        public override bool CanUpdate()
            return _applicationSecurity.CanEditProducts;

You might consider using the Security AppExtension. See here