Customize ApplicationSecurity

To customize the ´ApplicationSecurity´ you click/add the "Code Task" ApplicationSecurity.

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Now you can add properties in the class and interface.

    public partial interface IApplicationSecurity
        bool CanDoSomething { get; set; }
    public partial class ApplicationSecurity
        public bool CanDoSomething { get; set; }

Then customize the build methode in the builder to set the value. See here how to override

    public partial class ApplicationSecurityBuilder

        public async override Task Build()

            this.Settings.CanDoThis = true;
            await base.Build().ConfigureAwait(false);

And then you can use the IApplicationSecurity as you would normally do and access the CanDoThis property (here in the EntitySecurity for Products):

    public partial class ProductsSecurity
        private readonly IApplicationSecurity _applicationSecurity;

        public ProductsSecurity(IApplicationSecurity applicationSecurity)
            _applicationSecurity = applicationSecurity;

        public override bool CanUpdate()
            return _applicationSecurity.CanDoThis;