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Other Examples

    public partial class OrderDetailsValidator
        partial void AfterInitialize()
            RuleSet(RuleSetNames.PropertyRuleSetName, () =>
                //Create simple validation for a single field
                RuleFor(ent => ent.UnitPrice).GreaterThanOrEqualTo((decimal)1)
                //Create complex validation for a field
                RuleFor(ent => ent.Discount).Must(ValidateDiscount)
                    .WithMessage("Discount must not be higher than total price")

        private bool ValidateDiscount(IOrderDetails obj, float arg)
            //The discount must not exceed the total price
            return (obj.Discount > 0) && (obj.UnitPrice * obj.Quantity) > (decimal)obj.Discount;

This will result in the validation being displayed in the UI as follows:

Simple validation on UnitPrice


Complex validation on Discount
