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ListView - Custom property

Create the new property

Create a new partial file, containing the list object in the same namespace as the corresponding code-generated list object, and add the desired property.


namespace NorthwindClient.Entity
    public partial class EmployeesList
        // Create custom field on List
        // New custom property
        public System.String FullName
                return $"{FirstName} {LastName}";

Add the new custom field to the list

Create a partial file for the List control, in the same namespace as the code-generated List control (For the selected entity type), and add the new column.


namespace NorthwindClient.UI.Employees.Controls
    public partial class EmployeesList
        partial void AfterInitializeColumns()
            // Create custom field on list:
            // Add the new field, note that EmployeesList is used for the T and TResult generic types to be able to select the new field.
            this.AddColumn<NorthwindClient.Entity.EmployeesList, NorthwindClient.Entity.EmployeesList>(e => e.FullName, e => e.FullName, e => e.FullName);

Add caption to the new field

To get the correct column header, open the IAD file, and in Entity Captions add a new row. Compose Name from _

Example: EmployeesList_FullName. and enter the desired caption.
