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View - Custom Show

In some cases, you may want to design your own show-view from scratch (in terms of xaml).

The example is based on "Customers", where a custom show-view is created.

By marking "Customers", selecting the "Show" tab, choosing "View - Custom" under "Code Tasks", and clicking "Add Code".

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For the new custom-show-view to be used in the application, it must be registered in the CustomersModule.

How to do this is stated as a comment in the code in the custom-show-view:

        //Implementation information:
        //Register the view in the CustomersModule in the partial method: AfterRegisterTypes
        //containerRegistry.RegisterForNavigation<Views.Show.CustomersShowViewCustom, Views.Show.CustomersShowViewModel>(nameof(Views.Show.CustomersShowView));

The same procedure can be done for List, Edit, and Insert.